27thh January 2025
For about a year now, the operating system that I use on my daily
driver has been NixOS.
I moved to the distribution from Arch Linux, as I was sold on the idea
of having all my dependencies declaratively specified, and thus no
longer having to mess with stateful package management
(apt-get update
, pacman -Syu
, etc). I was one
or two years into grad school, and off the back of working
professionally with Terraform as
declarative infrastructure for cloud systems. How great would it be to
have something similar to provision all the software on a desktop
machine, I reasoned. The rumours that that Nix and NixOS were useful in
theory but prohibitively arcane in practice didn't dissuade me. If
anything, I thought, I would be able to learn more about Linux through
incorporating the ecosystem in my day-to-day life as a grad student1.
These visions of perfect declarative management haven't completely come to fruition, but they also haven't been completely blown out of the water. It has taken me a year or so of idly hacking away at my configuration when I have wanted to install something new to finally begin to feel as though I have a handle on the language and the ecosystem. I am still not totally sure what the best resources for learning more are. Mileage varies in the official documentation, and there seem to be both a wide range of use cases of Nix, and a wide range of pareenthetical softwares.
This range of parenthetical software made NixOS especially difficult for me to adopt, as I was consistently unsure as to whether the complexity that I was trying to scale was inherent to Nix, or whether it was embedded in additional tooling that I had unknowingly chose to adopt. Let me count (a few of) the ways that I feel my NixOS journey was made difficult.
The first fundamental confusion for me was the boundary between Nix, the language and package management ecosystem, and NixOS, the Linux distribution that is configured by way of Nix. It was the idea of NixOS that drew me to the ecosystem– as I wanted declarative management for my operating system software specifically– but I realise now that I probably would have been better to have started off by understanding pure Nix well and good, and onlymoving to NixOS once I felt competent there. This is because NixOS works by way of Nix (of course), but there are also peculiarities of NixOS that one should not confuse with the peculiarities of Nix. What arguments are passed down to which files in a modularized NixOS configuration become a lot easier to understand if one has a clear mental model of how NixOS builds upon Nix.
Note to past self: build a good mental model of pure Nix before hacking together your first NixOS configuration.
As I built my NixOS configuration by referencing an active installation of Arch Linux, I made the relatively unconscious decision early on that I should install softwares at a user level, rather than at system level. Relatively unconscious, because I am not sure why exactly I made this decision, and had I thought it through a little more carefully, I would have realised that this decision also brought an unnecessary amount of complexity into the picture.
Home manager is a community package2 for NixOS that makes it possible to install software in a configuration on a per-user basis. It also exposes a different and higher level of abstraction through which to install software than the 'standard' approach when working in the Nix ecosystem, which is to reference packages in a repository with Nix-built artifacts, the primary one being Nixpkgs. As an example, with Home manager one can install the fish shell as follows:
programs.fish = enable = true;
interactiveShellInit = ''
set fish_greeting # disable greeting
plugins = [
{ name = "bass"; src = pkgs.fishPlugins.bass.src; }
In addition to the enable
option, programs installed
thus also provide a custom set of attributes that are configured via
Home Manager through which one can customize the installation.
One could also, however, install the fish shell directly from Nixpkgs
(in a configuration.nix
file) as follows:
environment.systemPackages =
The benefit of Home manager's approach here is the configuration
optionality. In addition to the basic availability of fish
on my system (the result of both approaches), I can also declare a
string that will become its basic configuration
file (interactiveShellInit
) and a list of plugins
that will be installed alongside the shell itself.
On one level, this is great: all my configuration is in one place. Home manager has an option search where one can check whether a package exists, and what options it provides. In theory, if the documentation of options isn't clear, one can go to the module declaration to try to reverse engineer which option will result in the desired outcome. In practice, though, I've found it cumbersome to do this effectively, especially if I'm new to the software in question and don't have an intimate understanding of its configuration options.
The main issue is that raw NixOS doesn't provide an obvious way to manage dotfiles. Home manager fills that void by providing a level of abstraction on top of Nixpkgs that incorporates a sense of the current user (and hence paths to the user's configuration files); but this additional level of abstraction is constructed in such a way that it is not always clear how to map 'configuring new software X based on its documentation' to 'configuring new software X declaratively in Home manager'. (This is not even to mention the more complicated case in which new software X is not supported by Home manager, in which case one would have to add the new module to Home manager upstream, or work out a workaround.)
In summary, though Home manager is still useful for me due to its dotfile management utilities, it confused me early on, as I didn't always have a clear notion of whether I was installing modules via Nixpkgs or via Home Manager, and whether a configuration option was provided by Home Manager or by NixOS.
Note to past self: When installing new software, work first with a basic installation from Nixpkgs before trying to find an appropriate module in Home manager.
Flakes are kind of like a new version for Nix, much like Python 3 is
when compared to Python 2. The overall use case is the same, but the
tooling is (arguably) better with Flakes, and there are some features
(such as pinned versions in a flake.lock
) that you
fundamentally don't have in vanilla Nix without flakes. I personally
adopted flakes when I first started using NixOS for no particularly good
reason; just because they seemed like the 'modern' way to work with Nix,
a recipe for getting in over one's head with the Nix ecosystem, as has
come to be the central theme of this post. As with Home manager, I don't
regret the decision to use Flakes exactly, as I do think that they were
and are useful for my use case. Like Home manager, however, choosing to
adopt them steepened the learning curve in a way that probably could
have been avoided had I had a better sense of why they were
useful for me.
I think of flakes as essentially a different and more integrated way to write Nix configurations. They're not actually fundamentally necessary for my NixOS configuration, as its not primarily a 'library' that is intended to be used by others: it's really just a standalone software that serves a purpose for me. Where flakes come in handy for me is when I am writing Nix files in association with particular coding projects, where I want a development environment, a build process, and some set of artifacts that are produced from the project. For more on how NixOS with Flakes works in this context, I refer the reader to the excellent section of the open source book NixOS in Production, ``The big picture".
Note to past self: don't use flakes with your NixOS configuration; learn about them afterwards and apply it to dev environments.
A glorious time in one's life where it is reasonable to adopt software simply for the sake of it. I did something similar with the keyboard layout colemak, which is now essentially the only layout in which I can type.↩︎
I use the work 'package' here in a very general and non-technical way. The Home manager documentation says that it is a ``Nix-powered tool". It is not a module, as modules refer to something specific in NixOS; and it is also not technically a package, as packages are the software bundles on Nixpkgs.↩︎